

We will be at the AERO Friedrichshafen next week. Come and meet us at the booth A6-405!

French ambassador Alexis Dutertre visited Airmobis

It was a pleasure to welcome French ambassador Alexis Dutertre in our Airmobis office.
We were pleased by his openness, spontaneity and interest he expressed for high-tech and UAV technology.. He also tried to use our brand new drone simulator and he seemed to be enjoying the piloting activity. For each SME like our company it is a real motivation to see the support from the embassy side.

Vývoj nového bezpilotního letounu Airmobis R5D

Vývoj nového bezpilotního systému pro monitorování a řízení ekologického hospodářství (Airmobis R5D)

Společnost mobis0ne získala unikátní povolení k letům v Praze a v Bratislavě

Naše dceřiná společnost mobis0ne s.r.o., zaměřená, mimo jiné, na provoz dronů pro účely leteckých prací a hloubkových analýz zemského povrchu, získala oprávnění k monitoringu a letům ve velkých městech.
V minulých týdnech jsme se ve spolupráci s našim partnerem společností Arridere s.r.o. prostřednictvím leteckého snímkování našim drony, podíleli na unikátní pasportizaci vybraných parkovacích zón v Praze. Na tuto spolupráci jsme navázali také v Bratislavě, tentokrát při letecké inspekci svislých plášťů objektu Forum Business Center.


We have just opened three new challenging posts for those of you, who are interested in aviation, physics, aerodynamic or hydrodynamic!

AIRMOBIS is an engineering company specialized in aircraft, UAV and boats design. While still young, we have already well established customer base in Europe and abroad. We provide solutions to manufacturers at each stage of their project, from the first sketch up to certification, on tasks such as initial sizing, loads analysis, performance, handling qualities or testing.

Airmobis is the winner of the FrenchTech Prague 2021 Award - Covid Edition

Prague, June 8th, 2021: The FrenchTech Prague has selected Airmobis (, a French owned aerodynamics company from Kunovice in the Eastern Czech Republic as the winner of the FrenchTech Award 2021 - Covid Edition.

Airmobis získal voucher asistence od Zlínského kraje

Jedním z hlavním pilířů společnosti Airmobis je vývoj škálovatelného bezpilotního systému. Od poloviny roku 2019 do listopadu 2020 jsme se soustředili na zpracování inovačního projektu: "Vývoj bezpilotního systému pro monitorování a řízení ekologického hospodářství - Airmobis R5D". Ke zpracování podkladů bylo nutné provést velké množství analýz, technologických rešerší a průzkum trhu, což je pro malou společnost časově náročné. Vzhledem k náročnosti zpracování projektu jsme požádali Zlínský kraj skrze Technologické inovační centrum ve Zlíně o finanční podporu.

Moravian Aerospace Cluster has a new Executive board

Despite the hard Covid times, things are moving ahead. And we are sharing another positive news!
Etienne Vandame was elected as a Deputy Chairman of Moravian Aerospace Cluster. The new Chairman of the Cluster is Zdeněk Ančík, Director of SAZ Aerospace, s.r.o.
Congratulation to all members of the new board!
Good luck for this period! It will not be easy for aerospace industry, but we stay positive.

We are amongst 30 semifinalist of "My Galileo drone" competition

".....With 190 submissions, 346 registered teams and 470 registered applicants the first evaluation phase of the #MyGalileoDrone competition has proved to be an interesting journey into Europe’s creativity and innovation capital, as well as a testimony of the potential of this market for EU economy."
And we are happy, that Airmobis is in!
R5D is a VTOL drone embedding Galileo technology, able to deliver quickly small goods to remote areas.
We are in a "hard work time" now :)

Searching for UAV mechanik and pilot

Přidej se k našemu týmu!
Hledáme nového kolegu do týmu na pozici: VÝVOJÁŘ/MECHANIK/PILOT BEZPILOTNÍCH SYSTÉMŮ

Praxi na pozici vývojář bezpilotních systémů (UAS), včetně testování systémů - min. 3 roky.
Praxi na pozici mechanik - výroba bezpilotních letadel včetně elektro zapojení - min. 3 roky.
Nutná znalost technologie výroby kompozitů, modelů a forem - praxe min. 3 roky.
Zkušenost s pilotováním a provozováním bezpilotních systémů - letecké práce.
Čtení výkresové dokumentace.


We have just opened two new challenging posts for those of you, who are interested in aviation, physics, aerodynamic and hydrodynamic!


AIRMOBIS is an engineering company specialized in aircraft, UAV and boats design. While still young, we have already well established customer base in
Europe and abroad. We provide solutions to manufacturers at each stage of their project, from the first sketch up to certification, on tasks such as initial
sizing, loads analysis, performance, handling qualities or testing.

SECOURS EXPO in Paris opened another potential for CONDOR

Since 2017 Airmobis has been working on development of its new product UAV cargo CONDOR featuring unique VTOL (vertical take off and landing) technology.
Condor is dedicated to civil use, and it will transport goods to remote areas and destinations with damaged ground infrastructure. Last week we visited Secours-expo trade in Paris to discuss the needs of protagonists involved in rescue emergency and prevention fields. We identified strong potential with several organization from Jordany to Quebec paving the way to future cooperation.

All the best in 2018

We wish you excellent new year, filled with happiness, good health and success, so that your dreams come true.

The founder of Airmobis, Etienne Vandame, was rewarded for his work

The Freelancer and the Company of the year belong to the most popular business competition in the Czech Republic thanks to its multi-domain and regional coverage. It emphasizes maximum objectiveness in the evaluation and thus it creates unique comparison of participates in each region.

Airmobis became a representative of French company Nexeya in the Czech market

Since June 2017 Airmobis represents French company Nexeya in the Czech market. Nexeya is a French industrial group employing 900 people and making 133 million turnover. This is undeniably the leading partner of major industrial companies in the areas of Aerospace and Defense worldwide. Nexeya operates as well in other transport sectors as automotive and railways. Furthermore, for many years Nexeya has carried out operational maintenance on critical equipment for electricity suppliers.

52nd Paris Air Show – Le Bourget

SIAE (International Paris Air Show) and GIFAS (the French Aerospace Industries Association) will open Paris Air Lab doors from 19–25 June 2017. Airmobis is going to be there on Monday and Tuesday (19 - 20 June). We will be glad to meet you. To arrange a meeting please contact us on the e-mail: .

Aero Friedrichshafen 2017

We will be present at the international air show in Friedrichshafen from Wednesday 5th of April to Friday 7th of April.
If you want to meet, please contact us on the e-mail:

Maiden flight of unconventional drone CANTAS

There are good events to celebrate. In the mid March the CANTAS, drone produced by Moravian company Krill design, successfully made its maiden flight.
AIRMOBIS is involved in its development, we are in charge of all aerodynamics and loading analyses.
CANTAS A is a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and landing) drone, using electric engines for take-off, and jet engine for cruise flight. Unconventional concept of this drone allows operations with wide range of speed and flight conditions.

Airmobis is taking part in technology innovations

Company presentation on regional employers workshop.

French weekend

In the end of August we took part in organization of a French weekend in the stylish pension Zikmundov located in Chřiby mountains, south Moravia. This occasion was targeted to those curious to discover other culture and meeting new people.

The program of the weekend was designed as gastronomic tour de France. To taste a real French cuisine required a real French cooks. That's why  Papi Oliver, relatives of well known French chef Raymond Oliver, whose cookbooks can be found in nearly all French kitchens, came to show all guests their cooking art.

Aero Fridrichshafen

Aero Fridrichshafen airshow is the perfect place to keep in touch with all the news and innovations from aeronautic industry and the 2016 edition fulfilled one more time our expectations. This great exhibition is also the best way for building and enriching professional relationships and it proves an excellent opportunities to grow our business.