French weekend

In the end of August we took part in organization of a French weekend in the stylish pension Zikmundov located in Chřiby mountains, south Moravia. This occasion was targeted to those curious to discover other culture and meeting new people.

The program of the weekend was designed as gastronomic tour de France. To taste a real French cuisine required a real French cooks. That's why  Papi Oliver, relatives of well known French chef Raymond Oliver, whose cookbooks can be found in nearly all French kitchens, came to show all guests their cooking art.

For everyone who liked to enjoy some typical French activities, Airmobis organized a petanque's tournament, of course accompanied by our typical southern drink pastis. We were very pleased by number of participants. This activity brought many of us together and made the overall atmosphere relaxed.

As a gift to all guests, we offered the typical french hat -beret basque -, that of course we branded with the AIRMOBIS logo.

This occation was a great and enriching experience for us. And we want to thank to all Zikmundov team who came up with this great idea and made this weekend possible.